Youth Faith Formation
“After three days they found Him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions; and all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers.”
Exciting Adventures in Youth Ministry
Looking for a place where faith, friendships, and fun collide? Look no farther than our vibrant youth ministry program at Sacred Heart Parish! Packed with thrilling adventures, meaningful discussions, and opportunities for service, our youth ministry is all about empowering young hearts and minds. Led by a team of passionate and dedicated leaders, our youth ministry offers a welcoming space for teenagers to explore their faith, deepen their relationship with God, and cultivate lasting friendships.
Through engaging activities, thought-provoking discussions, and dynamic retreats, we strive to create an environment where our young parishioners can grow spiritually and flourish in their personal journeys. We will learn about: Prayer, Faith, Making Good Choices, Saints, the Liturgical Year, Bible, Mass, the Ten Commandments, Sin/Reconciliation, the Beatitudes, Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, the Holy Spirit, Mary, and the Eucharist.
Our youth ministry believes in the power of hands-on experiences to impact lives. Whether it's organizing service projects to help the less fortunate, embarking on inspiring mission trips, or connecting with the larger Catholic community through conferences and events, our youth are actively encouraged to live out their faith in action.
But it's not all serious business! Our youth ministry also knows how to have a blast. From exciting game nights and bonfires to movie marathons and outdoor adventures, our calendar is always packed with fun activities that make lasting memories.

Here are some ways in which we will practice those skills that will prepare you to be followers of Jesus Christ:
Attend South Sound Deanery and Archdiocesan Youth Events.
Train to be a Liturgical Minister.
Play a part in Teen’s Stations of the Cross.
Involve yourself in many of the church’s social events.
Take on leadership roles required for putting on events like: put on the Trunk or Treat, Fat Tuesday Pasta Feed, and Soup Supper.
Go bowling.
Get involved in service projects.
Sing in the choir!
Attend Mass with your peers.
Join a Blanket Ministry.
Don’t know where to start with your teenager’s Faith Formation?
If you have any doubts what program is the one for your child, don’t hesitate to contact Katy Baker. Our program offers a nurturing and supportive environment for their restless minds that will help them deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith. Come and discover the joy of learning and living your Catholic faith with us at Sacred Heart Parish!
Katy Baker
Steubenville Youth Conferences offer talks that address the deeper issues troubling our teenagers, with presenters that know how to speak to their age. Make sure to check their videos to help you navigate the complexity of teen years.