Sacrament of the Eucharist
Welcome to Holy Mass! YOU have been invited to the feast of Angels and Saints!
Welcome to the Heavenly banquet! Our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ has invited you to His table. Come and join us in the biggest prayer and act of worship we can offer to our Eternal Father.
The Eucharist is indeed the source and summit of our Catholic faith. During Mass, heaven and earth are joined together, the whole host of heaven is present. We sing along with the angels: “Holy, holy, holy Lord God of host. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.”
The Sacrament of the Eucharist, is the source and summit of our Catholic faith. It is the sacrament in which we receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the consecration of bread and wine by the priest, they become the true presence of Christ. This sacrament nourishes us spiritually, strengthens our relationship with God, and unites us as the Body of Christ. Participating in the Eucharist allows us to enter into a profound communion with Jesus and the entire Church. It is a sacred and transformative encounter with the Love and mercy of our Lord, who becomes truly present to us.
What happens during Mass?
Salvation history is recreated during Mass, in its very structure:
Created in love = we’re all welcome to come and be with our Creator.
The fall = we acknowledge that we have sinned against God and ask for His mercy.
Rescued = we listen to the Word of God, we give thanks to the Almighty Father for sending His Beloved Son to save us. Then, the greatest MIRACLE, through the power of the Eucharistic prayer, bread and wine are transfigured into the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we consume His Body and Blood, we become His walking Tabernacles and are incorporated into Him.
Eucharistic Adoration: What is the Holy Hour?
Simply put, the Holy Hour is spending one hour of silent prayer in front the Blessed Sacrament. Venerable Fulton Sheen in his book The Holy Hour Prayer Book: Could you not watch one hour with me, gives us ten reasons to make a Holy Hour. Among them is that this is the one thing Jesus specifically asked us to do, to spend one hour with Him.
Finding time for prayer has become difficult in our extremely busy lives. Imagine you only dedicated five minutes to your spouse, child, parent or best friend. How could that relationship grow? Developing a personal relationship with our Lord is what makes going through life worthwhile.
Come visit the Lord at least once a month; if you would like to become one of Jesus’ weekly companions, contact Laszlo and Maria Boros by clicking here.
If you would like to know more about what happens during Mass, make sure to watch the following videos.