Community and Outreach

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
— John 13: 34-35

Sacred Heart Emergency Outreach Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance is available to help people with past-due rent, electricity or utility bills. We are funded by parishioners’ donations and supplemented by grants. Our mission is to assist residents of Thurston County with past due rent and utilities, trying to keep them in their homes and the utilities working.

We are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:30 AM-12:15 PM, as long as funds are available. Note: Usually, funds run out in the first two weeks of the month.

Address: 906 Bowker St., Lacey, WA 98506. (360) 923-0929

Emergency Outreach Food Pantry

At Sacred Heart Parish, our dedicated volunteers shine a beacon of hope to those facing food insecurity, none more so than our compassionate food pantry volunteers. From stocking shelves with nutritious staples to warmly engaging with each recipient, our food pantry volunteers exemplify the love of neighbor. Their unwavering dedication to alleviating hunger is not only commendable but also inspires us all.

Sacred Heart Parish’s Food Pantry is open to everyone in need. We are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1-2:45p.m. each week, except during holidays. We always need brown grocery bags (small and large), nonperishable foods like spaghetti sauce, tuna, soups, green beans, corn, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, and hygiene products ( toilet paper, shampoo, dish soap, laundry soap & bleach).

Address: 906 Bowker St., Lacey, WA 98506.

Clothing Bank

If you or someone you know needs clothing, come to our Clothing Bank. We are open Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 PM to 2:45 PM.

We take donations on Mon (10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) and Wed/Fri (10:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.). Please do not leave the donations outside & do not bring items that we cannot utilize. 

But if you would like to share what you have with those in need, these are the items most requested: travel-size toiletries, sheets, blankets, towels, adult backpacks, tents, light sleeping bags, well-preserved clothes for all ages, men’s jeans, men’s socks, underwear, hoodies, boots, athletic shoes, and gloves.

Alternatively, you could also volunteer. Volunteering at the clothing bank reminds us that simple acts of kindness go a long way. Whether it is sorting through donations, organizing racks, or helping someone find what they need, these acts of kindness can make a world of difference in their lives.

Community Kitchen: feeding the hungry one meal at a time

We prepare and serve meals and help clean the kitchen up for the next group of volunteers. It’s a privilege to be a part of a team that provides a tangible expression of God’s care and concern through every meal we serve. We average about 150 meals per week and are growing. No prior kitchen experience is required; just a friendly and open attitude is needed. We meet every Thursday from 8 AM to 12 PM. Come and feed Jesus through every person you serve.

Blanket Ministry

This ministry offers opportunities for youth and other parishioners to make blankets for those in need. Participants accompany one another in serving others through the simple actions of their hands. Blankets are distributed to the sick, to nursing home residents, to children, and others as needed. We meet Tuesday mornings and evenings, come and join us at either time that suits your schedule, no sowing experience is required. Let those who are cold, experience the warmth of Christ through your blankets!

Men’s Shelter

As the winter frost settles in and the chilly winds blow through the city, Sacred Heart Parish is steadfast in its commitment to supporting those in need. Our men's shelter becomes a beacon of warmth and hope during these harsh conditions, providing a safe haven for those experiencing homelessness. With cozy beds, warm meals, and a compassionate staff, the men's shelter offers a lifeline to those who would otherwise be left out in the cold. The dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that everyone seeking shelter is welcomed with open arms and treated with dignity and respect. In this season of giving, we stand together as a community, extending a helping hand to provide comfort, warmth, and solace to our fellow brothers. To continue providing hope, we need more volunteers; for more information, contact Paul Perz.

Respect Life Committee

Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee has a special love for our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. We strive to spread a message of God’s mercy surrounding abortion and build a culture that supports human life and eternal life. We meet monthly and pray a rosary, plan events, hold peaceful public prayer vigils, and offer a variety of inspiring educational events and outreach activities. All are welcome to join our meetings on the third Tuesday of each month after the evening Mass (about 6:45 PM) in Hallen Hall. 

St. Brigid’s Guild

Our mission is to support Pregnancy Aid in assisting new mothers with basic necessities for their newborn. We do this by giving them all proceeds from a November bake sale, holding a baby shower in January, and giving them all meeting dues and raffle money. We presently have 35 members. The Guild meets the 4th Tuesday of September through April.  

St. Jude’s Guild

We are a group of volunteers who pray and support each other to meet the needs of our parish community. We are a close-knit group who share time and talents in God’s service. Each Thursday, we assist the residents of the Roo-Lan Nursing Home in playing bingo and supplying all their prizes. The joy they experience is God’s joy shared with these elderly and frail individuals. We meet on the 4th Monday of every month from 1:30 – 3:00 pm at the Parish Office in room #3. Join us and experience the blessing of serving the vulnerable. Contact Karen Hyde for more information.

St. Margaret’s Guild

St. Margaret's Guild is a ministry that hosts events at our parish, including receptions for First Communion, Confirmation, and community gatherings that take place throughout the year. We have monthly meetings and invite anyone who enjoys preparing food, serving, and cleaning to join us in our efforts to serve the Lord.

Get in touch with a Ministry

Would you like to participate in the life of our Parish? Get in touch with any of the ministries above. We would be happy to hear from you.