Parish Life
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.”

Eucharistic Adoration
We adore Jesus, teaching others His true presence, His love, and His desire for us to love Him back. During Eucharistic Adoration, you will have a unique opportunity to place yourself in the presence of our Lord and pour out your heart to Him. This sacred time allows for an intimate encounter with Jesus, who lovingly listens to our deepest concerns and joys.
Sacred Heart Parish offers Eucharistic Adoration from Thursday after Mass to Saturday before Mass. We would like to offer Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration to extend the blessings of spending time with the Eucharistic Lord and accommodate diverse schedules. But we can only do that with your help. We encourage you to commit an hour of your week in the loving presence of our Lord. Click the button to sign up for Eucharistic Adoration.
Lector Ministry
As lectors, we take our task of bringing the Word of God to our parishioners very seriously. For the lectors, this is a calling; we feel we are performing a sacred ministry. We all hope that every parishioner feels closer to God, finding new meaning in Bible passages, as they listen to us when we proclaim the Readings. Jesus is our perfect role model, as He Himself proclaimed scripture at the synagogue. There is no better example to follow.
We are always open to new lectors. We especially need lectors for the Saturday 5 PM and Sunday 8 AM and 2 PM (Spanish) Masses. Contact Eleonore to learn more.
Eleonore Mitchell
Music and Liturgy Ministry
How would you like to praise God with your voice? Music is a powerful form of prayer; it is how King David sang the Psalms and praised God.
By being part of Sacred Heart’s chorus, you will come to know God and His love for us by singing His Word. You don’t need to audition! Rehearsal is every Tuesday at 7:00 PM, in room S2. We hope to see you there! Click the button to email Darran Lum.
First Friday Devotion with Consecration & Scapular Investiture
Devotion to the Sacred Heart, as we know it, began around the year 1672. On repeated occasions, Jesus appeared to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, a Visitation nun of France. He asked to be honored in the symbol of His Heart of flesh; he asked for acts of reparation, for frequent Communion, Communion on the First Friday of the month, and the keeping of the Holy Hour.
How to get Consecrated? Sign up at the Parish reception desk before the first Friday of each Month. On Friday, we start at 8:30am praying the Sacred Heart Novena. The Consecration will take place during Mass, you will be called to receive the scapular and pray an Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic ministers play an integral role in our worship and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at Sacred Heart Parish. These dedicated individuals assist our priests in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. With reverence and humility, they approach the altar, receiving the consecrated hosts and chalice, and then offering them to our parishioners with care and devotion. Eucharistic ministers not only fulfill a practical function but also symbolize the unity of the faithful as they serve their fellow parishioners. We are grateful for the dedication and service of our Eucharistic ministers, whose faith-filled actions help to enrich and nourish the spiritual lives of our parishioners. If you are living a devout and sacramental Catholic life, we invite you to be part of this ministry. Contact Dcn. Terry Barber for more information.
At Sacred Heart we honor the customs and traditions of each of the communities that are part of our parish. An important moment in the life of every woman is turning fifteen where Latin parents, recognizing that their daughter is growing up, see the celebration of fifteen years as an opportunity to thank God for the gift of her life and ask for God's blessing for their daughter as she enters adolescence and moves toward adulthood. In this rite, the young woman renews her baptismal promises and commits to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary, promising to live according to the teachings of Jesus. This strengthens the identity of the quinceañera in her family and as a Catholic, affirming the gift of women as blessing for the church. For more information, contact Claudia Torres.
Claudia Torres
Strengths Finder
Strengths Finders is a process that helps parishioners discover what their top five God-given talents are. Because we display our strengths so intuitively, without thought, it often takes others to notice or affirm them. This process has a beginning but no longer an end. Learning our Strengths helps us grow in faith to serve the Lord and those around us. The benefits show up within the family, in the workplace, and in our parish community. Fill out the form to contact one of our coaches and start discovering your God-given strengths.
Parish Nurses
Parish nurses provide our community with education related to preventive health care. This knowledge contributes to one’s ability to self-advocate thus providing a sense of empowerment, to actually have a voice that someone will hear. The relationship between health care and spirituality is well documented. Our goal is to continue to discover that relationship and provide that information to the parish. We meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6-8PM. All are welcome.
Greeters share their love for the Mass by extending a friendly welcome to all who come through our doors at Sacred Heart. If you are interested in spreading your joy of the Lord with everyone who comes to our Church, join us.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Prayer Group
We gather to request intercessions of our Blessed Mother for a variety of petitions for the sick, thanksgiving, for our home and community. We meet once a month, every first Wednesday.
Altar Servers
Servers are commissioned to assist the priest in the celebration of the mass and have a Solemn responsibility to do their assigned duties with dignity and reverence. Being a server means serving God and His people. It is to help “set the pace” for all who take part in the Mass and to help others understand the mass better by our actions and participation.
Rosary Prayer Group
Our prayer group expresses love for Jesus, our Church, priests, religious, and parish community by praying the rosary and divine mercy chaplet before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We also pray for the gift of vocations and individual members’ needs. The group started over two decades ago by beloved parishioners, and like Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque of the Sacred Heart, we strive to “return love for love.”
Our Lady of Czestochowa - Rosary group
Members commit to pray ONE Decade of the Rosary daily. As a group, we pray eight full rosaries for our chosen intentions. We receive energy from "Praying Rosary Daily", as Our Lady told us in Fatima and Akito (among other places. We have 80 plus members, who pray individually. Each month we meet in the sanctuary after 10AM Mass for a special blessing from our Pastor. If you would like to join us, contact Zofia Danilowicz.

International Fatima Rosary
I initiated this ministry in response to our Blessed Mother, who appeared to me in a dream, asking that I gather people from different languages and cultures to know and pray the rosary for all their needs. On the 13th of months May through October, over 100 members assemble in the church at 7PM to celebrate our Lady’s six apparitions. Join us in this multilingual recitation of the Holy Rosary. We sing, pray for specific intentions, and process our Lady through the church. All are welcome!
Listen to our Mother Mary, who always points us to her Son, Jesus. Pray the rosary. Contact me and see how you can participate with us in this beautiful celebration.
We are a group of men who meet monthly in a process of sanctification, continuing the work of Jesus to restore kindness to the world by our everyday thoughts and actions. All men are welcome. Contact Bill Wiebe to learn more.
Seven Sisters Apostolate
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop—a “holy wasting” (cf. Mt. 26:10) or lavishing of prayer for his deeper conformity to Christ. Sacred Heart Parish has two groups, dedicating their prayers for each of our priests. Additional women may join as substitutes when need arises.
Small Christian Community AM
Members gather in a small community, like the early church, to read and pray the scriptures, specifically the readings for the following Sunday Mass, and to share and pray for others. We meet on Tuesday mornings from 10AM-12PM. For more information contact Connie Newman.
Small Christian Community PM
Together we read the upcoming Sunday readings, and through study guides, discover how God speaks directly to us. We encounter Jesus through God's Word and through each other, in this way, we are able to accompany each other on our faith journeys. We meet on Tuesday afternoon from 1:30-3:30PM. To join, contact Barb Wollstein.
Get in touch with a Ministry
Is any of the ministries above calling you? Are itching to participate in the life of our Parish? Then, get in touch, we’re glad to here from you.