“Lord, if your people still need me, I do not refuse the work. Thy will be done.”
Join the Sacred Heart Parish Volunteer Team and Make a Difference!
Are you looking for a fulfilling and meaningful way to serve God and to give back to your community? Look no further than volunteering at Sacred Heart Parish! By becoming a parish volunteer, you not only strengthen our church community but also experience personal growth and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Why volunteer at Sacred Heart Parish?
1. Serve God and Others: Volunteering at our church is an incredible opportunity to live out your faith and answer God's call to serve others. Any service you give is a testament to your love and commitment to God and His people.
2. Form Deep Connections: Our church is a vibrant and diverse community that thrives on togetherness and fellowship. As a volunteer, you will have the chance to forge deep, lasting relationships with fellow parishioners.
3. Discover and Develop New Skills: Volunteering at Sacred Heart Parish offers a platform to discover hidden talents and develop new skills. You might improve your public speaking through ministry announcements or expanding your event planning abilities, or honing your leadership skills. Our volunteer opportunities allow you to grow both personally and professionally.
4. Make an Impact: At Sacred Heart Parish, our volunteers play a vital role in the success of our ministries and programs. By giving your time and talents, you contribute directly to the growth and development of our community. Whether you're helping with Faith Formation, visiting the elderly, or supporting our charitable initiatives, your efforts will create a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.
5. Grow Spiritually: Volunteering at church boosts your spiritual growth. Through your involvement, you will deepen the understanding of your faith and discover new ways to live out the Gospel in daily life. Selfless service always brings us closer to God and allows us to witness the beauty of His work.

“For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
How to Join Sacred Heart Parish Volunteer Team?
Getting involved is easy! Below are a number of volunteer opportunities; fill the form below to get in contact with the team. They will be delighted to guide you through the various volunteer opportunities available and help you find the perfect fit*. Don't miss out on this chance to make a difference in the lives of others while experiencing personal fulfillment like never before. Join our volunteer team today and discover the joy of serving at Sacred Heart Parish!
*If you are interested in volunteering to serve the most vulnerable (children and elderly), the Archdiocese of Seattle requires you to go through a Safe Environment training; more information below.
Volunteer Opportunities
Let’s do God’s work together.
Jesus commanded us to do the spiritual and corporeal acts of mercy. Interested in volunteering in any of the areas above? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!
Safe Environment Program
If you made it this far, THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING & SHARING YOUR TIME & TALENTS! As part of our commitment to working with children, all employees and volunteers need to be in compliance with our Safe Environment Program.
The Archdiocese of Seattle has a long commitment to the protection of children, youth and vulnerable adults. For years, steps have been taken to assure the safety of those who serve in our parishes, schools and agencies. Sacred Heart has a mandate from the Archdiocese of Seattle that all volunteers obtain and stay current with the required pieces of this Virtus Program.
In accordance with the Seattle Archdiocese, we require employees and volunteers with ongoing unsupervised contact with minors and vulnerable adults, to complete these requirements. Also, anyone having ongoing control of keys are required to meet these requirements as well.
All employees and volunteers must do the following:
Register with Virtus.
Complete a Background check Agree and Sign Church Personnel Policies.
Complete Virtus training.
Begin by creating a personal Virtus profile under “Registration” tab. Follow the instructions online. For additional help, contact Kris Baird.
Ongoing requirements: successfully undergo a criminal background check every 3 years. Complete online training every 3 years.
Periodic updates: after you attend an initial training course, you will be required to periodically complete an online refresher every three years. You will receive notification from the Archdiocese when your online training is due.
Mass times
Daily Mass
Monday to Saturday: 9 AM
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM, 2 PM (Span), 10 AM (Korean - Fabian Hall)
Saturdays: 3-4:45 PM and by appointment.
Eucharistic Adoration
Thursday - Saturday: starting after 9 AM Mass on Thursday until Saturday at 4:30 PM (St. Frances of Rome Chapel).
Contact us
Email: staff@3hearts.org
Phone: 360-491-0890
Fax: 360-456-1028
Address: 812 Bowker St. SE, Lacey, WA 98503.
Mailing: PO Box 3805, Lacey, WA 98509.