Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
(adapted for Children and Youth)
“You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone.”
Becoming Catholic: Experience the Journey of Faith
Are you ready to embark on a transformative and life-changing journey? Have you felt the stirring in your soul for something greater than the world offers? If so, we welcome you to our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (adapted for children and youth) program at Sacred Heart Parish. RCIA is a gradual process of spiritual formation that includes prayer, sharing, and study and occurs in the context of our parish community. It offers you the opportunity to grow spiritually, discover community, and deepen your relationship with God.
“For You made us for Yourself, and our heart is restless, until it reposes in You.”
Who is the RCIA for? It is intended for adults who:
• are not baptized and would like to be fully initiated and welcomed into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
• were baptized in another Christian community/tradition* and seek to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist
• were baptized as Catholics* as infants/children but have not received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist
* Proof of valid Christian baptism is required (by way of certificate or letter of verification from one’s church of baptism).
RCIA Meetings
• RCIA meets Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00pm at the parish building.
• Consistent, regular attendance is expected.
• There are opportunities for days of recollection, service, and outreach.
Start Your Journey Today at Sacred Heart Parish. Don't wait any longer to delve into the wonders of the Catholic faith. Join us and experience the transformative power of faith. We can't wait to embark on this phenomenal journey with you! Contact Dcn. Ronnie San Nicolas to know more about RCIA.
Dcn. Ronnie San Nicolas
At Sacred Heart Parish, we embrace each participant as a cherished member of our family, fostering an environment of love, understanding, and support. Sponsors are vital to the RCIA process. Beginning in the Catechumenate phase, a Sponsor builds a one-on-one relationship with a catechumen or baptized candidate, serving as a companion, listener, mentor, and pray-er; sharing her or his own faith; and attesting to the catechumen or candidate’s faith, intentions, and readiness for reception.

“And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And He said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting; but rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do.””
Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults - adapted for Youth and Children
The RCIA program at Sacred Heart Parish is not limited to adults; we warmly welcome children and teenagers who are seeking to deepen their faith. Our dedicated team of catechists is adept at providing age-appropriate catechesis, ensuring that participants of all ages gain a comprehensive understanding of the Catholic faith. These are the areas that your child will have lessons in: witness, worship, word, and community.
Who should join the RCIA Child & Youth Classes?
Youth grades 3 to 12 & ages 7 to 17 (18 if still in high school).
Youth who are not yet Baptized.
Non-Catholic youth who are inquiring or curious about the Catholic Faith Tradition.
Youth who have been Baptized and/or raised in a non-Catholic Faith Tradition, but are seeking to become Catholic.
Youth who were Baptized Catholic, but have been non-practicing and may require basic lessons in our Catholic faith tradition.
For more information on RCIA adapted for youth and children, please contact Mya Stone.
Ann Saunders
Volunteering for RCIA Child & Youth
Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. Many people would love to help and be a positive and liturgical influence on the next generation, but may think “I’m not a teacher” or “I’ve never worked with children before”. Neither is required to be an RCIA Child and Youth Facilitator. We do not ask that you sign up or commit today. All we ask is that you observe one class and see if this is something that you might want to do.
These are the qualifications/requirements for volunteers:
Practicing Catholic in good standing.
18 years or older.
Available on most Sundays for 2.5 hours from September to May.
Available to attend team training meetings (approx. 60-90 min) once a month.
Teaching/parenting experience is helpful but not required.
A desire to learn, teach and interact with Children in a positive and productive way.
If introducing children to the faith and proclaiming the Gospel to their young minds is something that moves you, please contact Mya Stone.
Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church are the pillars upon which the Catholic Church holds herself. Whether you read along or just listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz and his reflections, you will be able to gain proper context for what the Catholic Church teaches. Make sure to sign up to FORMED; our Parish gives free access to this online tool of evangelization to every parishioner.