Faith Formation
“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Can you love someone you don’t know? Is it possible to know God?
From the beginning, God knew that you will have many questions about everything, so He wrote a love letter to you, that’s the Bible. But the Word of God is not something that we can read we our 21st century lenses and understand right away. It is a daily endeavor. Faith formation is an essential part to grow in the knowledge of God, it guides us in developing a intimate relationship with God. The more we know Him, the more His Church, His Bride makes sense. By forming our minds with the Word, we come to understand the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church and to love God as He is.
Benefits of Faith Formation:
We gain a better understanding of our beliefs, values, and traditions, enabling us to embrace and live out our faith with purpose and conviction.
It instills in us a sense of belonging and encourages active participation within our faith community.
It equips us with the knowledge and tools needed to articulate and defend our beliefs in this increasingly secular world.
We are empowered to view the world through our biblical lenses, which enriches our personal relationships and enhances our moral decision-making process.
We are nurtured spiritually, which enable us to grow in holiness and live out our faith authentically.
Faith Formation for every stage of life.
Children Faith Formation
Youth Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation
If you still have doubts about our need to continue enlightening our minds with the Word of God, watch the videos below. To facilitate your growth in knowledge of our Catholic faith and traditions, our parish has a subscription FORMED, an excellent 24/7 online digital formation platform. Access is FREE to all parishioners, you only need to follow a few simple steps to register:
Sign up and select our Parish, Sacred Heart Lacey.
Register with your name and email.