Sacrament of Matrimony
“On the third day there was a marriage at Cana in Galilee, and the Mother of Jesus was there; Jesus also was invited to the marriage, with His disciples. When the wine failed, the Mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.””
Sacrament of Matrimony: Celebrating the Gift of Love
The sacrament of Matrimony is a profound and beautiful expression of God's love and grace, as a man and a woman join their lives as one in the presence of our Lord. Under the loving gaze of our Heavenly Father, couples embark on a lifelong journey rooted in faith, trust, and selflessness, becoming the means of each other’s salvation. Through this sacrament, they experience the transformative power of God's love, deepening their connection and allowing their unity to flourish. In the Sacrament of Matrimony, couples are called to reflect the love of Christ for His Church, which is a self-less love, completely giving of themselves to each other.
The sacrament not only celebrates the love between two individuals, it testifies that God called them to love one another and He blesses this union. Matrimony is not something we do for God, but rather, something He does for us. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, couples are equipped with the grace to navigate the joys and challenges of married life. They find solace in prayer, attending Mass together, and participating in the sacraments, nourishing their relationship with God and each other. Through this self-giving love, couples become living witnesses of God's presence in the world.
Marriage preparation:
At Sacred Heart Parish, we offer preparation programs and marriage enrichment opportunities to support couples as they build a strong foundation for their union. Our parish community stands ready to walk with them, providing guidance, encouragement, and the blessings of the Church. For those seeking to solemnize their love within the sacrament of Matrimony, please contact Claudia Torres. She will guide you through the process.
Claudia Torres

If you are a Catholic, but were not married in the Catholic Church, you can still receive the Sacrament of Matrimony! There are some things that you will need to do for a Catholic convalidation:
(1) You must be free to marry in the Catholic Church. (See next question below).
(2) Provide new copies of your certificates of baptism, issued at least six months prior to the start of the process.
(3) Provide a copy of the civil marriage certificate.
(4) Complete prenuptial and witness forms.
(5) Participate in some form of marriage preparation.
If either party has been previously married, there is an annulment process that must be completed before finalizing a specific wedding day/time at the Parish Office. It is important to realize that this procedure can take a considerable amount of time. Contact Claudia Torres to know the details.
Yes, it is a requisite for the Church in order to celebrate the Sacrament. Sacred Heart Parish has marriage prep classes three times a year, contact Claudia to know more.
Yes, you can. For more details contact Claudia Torres.
Sacred Heart Parish celebrates the Sacrament of Matrimony only in the church.
The Church only requires two witnesses (male and female) in order to celebrate the Sacrament.
Yes, you will go through the marriage prep classes here and all the forms will be filled in here. We will send the nuptial package to the Archdiocese and they will send it to the Parish of your request.
If you would like to deepen your understanding on the Sacrament of Matrimony, watch the following videos.