Children Faith Formation
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.”
From the moment of their Baptism, we are called to lead our children on their journey of faith. The Children’s Faith Formation programs of Sacred Heart offer a community of support as you build a strong foundation for your child’s journey of faith. Our parish offers a place of refuge and strength to “charge your batteries” for the week ahead.
Our programs include:
Beyond Baptism
Preschoolers & kindergartners with an adult family member come together to explore our faith through story, songs, crafts, and more. Caregivers have an opportunity to build community with other young families in our parish.
Initial Year Family Formation
Elementary age parishioners (1st-5th grades) and an adult family member share an evening of hands-on learning as they focus on the concepts of our liturgical year, prayer, saints, Mass, and Scripture.
First Reconciliation & First Communion
Immediate preparation (Year 2) for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist include a deeper exploration of the Mass, scripture focusing on the sacraments, and continuing their journey of faith. The program also includes participation in two morning retreats.
Young Disciples
Children in grades 3-5, who have received First Communion, put “feet on their faith” through active participation in our parish community. Projects include the Living Saints Fair, leading Stations of the Cross during Lent, and many other activities.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
After the opening of the 10, 12, and 2:00 o’clock Masses, children are invited to join a catechist to hear and discuss the readings of the Mass at their level. The children rejoin their family for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Cub Scout Pack 7
Our parish has an active Cub Scout Pack for families to experience the adventure of Scouting! From exploring the great outdoors to helping in our community, boys & girls in grades k-5 get an opportunity to live out their faith.
Don’t know where to start with your child’s faith formation?
Bringing your child to faith formation is a beautiful and essential step in their spiritual journey. Here, they will cultivate a personal relationship with God and an understanding of His deep love for them. Contact Linda Cooper and she will guide you through the process.
Linda Cooper
Guardian Angel Prayer
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard me, to rule and guide me. Amen.
Volunteers for Children Faith Formation: The Holy Spirit is presenting us with a challenge!
So many voices ask, “How can we bring people back to the Church?” Here at Sacred Heart the people are back – in a big way! Our Faith Formation programs are bursting at the seams! People of all ages want to join the Church and receive the Sacraments of God.
Our challenge is to get the volunteers to accompany them on their journey! God has given each of us unique gifts & talents to share with the world. Many types of talents can further God’s mission on Earth. Please consider sharing a few hours of your time per month with those in our Faith Formation programs.
Family Formation – Selected Wednesdays 6-7:30pm
Journey with our young families as they explore the Liturgical Year, Prayer, Saints, and more! Activities are already planned and prepped. Volunteers facilitate discussion and repeat directions as needed regarding the projects. Both English and Spanish speakers are needed! (3 hours/month)
Young Disciples – Selected Sundays from 1-2
After receiving First Communion, children in the elementary years, need to continue growing in their faith. This fun group includes special events (Saints Fair, Stations of the Cross, etc.) as well as games, crafts, videos, and more! Our biggest need is a volunteer who speaks Spanish. (2 hours/month)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word – Sundays at the 10, 12 or 2:00 Masses
Volunteers share the readings of the day with the children during the first part of Mass. The resources used come in both English & Spanish. (1-4 hours/month)
Children’s Music – TBD
Last year many families asked about the return of a children’s choir. To make this a reality we need volunteers who can lead or accompany the group. Do you play the piano or guitar, have basic song leading skills, or have a heart for music? (2 hours/month).

“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Parents sometimes find it difficult to teach their kids our Catholic Faith. Fortunately, our Parish’s subscription to FORMED, makes sharing the Faith easy and fun, while keeping them engaged. Sign up now to Formed and start educating your kids on the richness of the Catholic Faith.