Parish Life - May Crowning Celebration
Our first annual May Crowning took place on Saturday, May 3rd, 2003. Twenty-two years later, we are still going strong!
We feel so blessed to be able to give back to our parish family again by sharing traditions, faith, culture, and hospitality from our beloved Mariana Islands. Our 22nd annual celebration honoring Our Lady of Camarin/Santa Marian Kamalen on the 4th of May showcased the ethnic diversity at Sacred Heart. We are incredibly grateful for the number of parishioners who wanted to be part of the entourage of ethnic representatives worldwide. We had 75+ representatives from 29 different regions of the world. We hope to increase these numbers year after year.
The behind-the-scenes coordination involved different expertise from many selfless people in our Chamorro community. “Many hands make light work” could not be a more accurate quote each time we host this annual event for our parish family.
We are so grateful for our ever-faithful priests and deacons, Caroline and her crew, Eleonore and the entire Sacred Heart Staff, Darran and the multi-national choir, our liturgical ministers, our very generous guests who provided financial support and food/toiletry items for our Emergency Outreach ministry.

Si Yuus Maase! (Thank You!)
Lou Maañao