Welcome to Sacred Heart Parish!

We are the Catholic Church in Lacey, Washington. If you are new to the area or new to Catholicism, YOU BELONG HERE!

Join us in worship and be part of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. BECOME the disciple that OUR LORD JESUS has called you to be.

Please register for our Parish here.

To watch the live stream, click here.

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Mass times

Daily Mass

Monday to Saturday: 9 AM

Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM, 2 PM (Span), 10 AM (Korean - Fabian Hall)


Saturdays: after 9 AM Mass, 3:00-4:30 PM, and by appointment.

Eucharistic Adoration

Thursday - Saturday: starting after 9 AM Mass on Thursday until Saturday at 4:30 PM (St. Frances of Rome Chapel).

Contact us

Email: staff@3hearts.org

Phone: 360-491-0890

Fax: 360-456-1028

Address: 812 Bowker St. SE, Lacey, WA 98503.

Mailing: PO Box 3805, Lacey, WA 98509.

Father, if you are willing, remove this chalice from me; nevertheless not my will, but Your, be done.
— Luke 22: 42
Sacred Heart Parish, Lacey, sacraments
Sacred Heart Parish, Lacey, welcomes new parishioners
Sacred Heart Parish, Lacey, Faith Formation
RCIA at Sacred Heart Parish in Lacey, WA
Sacred Heart Parish, Lacey, Ministries
Sacred Heart Parish, Lacey, share with your community.
Volunteer at Sacred Heart Parish.
Sacred Heart Parish, Lacey, online giving.

This week on Formed

Sacred Heart Parish invites you to deepen your Lenten journey with FORMED, a powerful online resource filled with inspiring Catholic content. This Lent, take time to grow in faith through engaging videos, reflections, and studies designed to bring you closer to Christ.


The Good Shepherd is waiting for you. Contact us and learn why you belong here. Find a home at Sacred Heart Parish.

Be part of the flock, Jesus is waiting for you.